Friday, May 27, 2011

The Art of Social Engineering

The continent of Africa has been fundamental in human development since the beginning of time.  Being the birthplace of mankind, Africa is the original and fundamental birthplace of us all.  Africa is truly the cradle of man-kind and most likely event the birthplace of the genus' that preceded human beings.  From the beginning of the keeping of records, Africa was a center for ideas and learning.  The had the most profitable and largest gold mines as well as the worlds best libraries, at one point in Alexandria and later in Timbuktu.  This was before Europe had an easy or direct route to Africa.  Greeks came to learn from the scholars in  Egypt in the BCs and Western Europeans to Ghana and Mali for Gold in the 13th and 14th centuries.  However this relationship changed for some reason once Western Europeans were able to sail the seas directly to the coasts of Africa this relationship changed.  For whatever reason they started a system of turning millions of Africans to chattel and having the remaining Africans believe they were inferior and less than human.  The Africans who were lucky enough to miss the slave trade were colonised and brainwashed.  They were taught to believe that their traditions, beliefs and way of life were inferior.  They were then told the way to correct this was to become Christian and westernized, of course for the financial gain of the West.  These stereotypes were then spread worldwide that Africans were primitive, uneducated, savage, animal-like beings, or even went as far as calling them cannibals in some cases. These stereotypes started hundreds of years ago remain today

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting post, but I'm not sure what assignment it is written for. Could you let me know which one this is supposed to be so I can credit it appropriately?
